An introduction to the 5 Voices - How really knowing ourselves and others can help create better communication, relationships and understanding in our teams.
Less Pain, More Gain! An introduction to the 5 Voices - How really knowing ourselves and others can help create better communication, relationships and understanding in our teams.
7pm to 8.30pm
We all want to lead or be part of happy, successful and high performing teams. Feeling valued for who we are as individuals is a key part of this, together with understanding that we all bring something unique to our teams and organisations. Misunderstanding, disagreement, poor communication, conflict and drama are all factors that undermine individual happiness at work, as well as harmony and effectiveness in our teams. These often stem from a lack of appreciation for our differences. If our differences are recognised, utilised and celebrated we can see a different outcome. The 5 Voices system allows leaders, teams and organisations to create a culture and common language that builds self-awareness and awareness of others, promoting the idea that we all have a leadership voice. Our voice shapes how we lead, how we relate to others, what we're most likely to prioritise, what we are great at, and where are weaker tendencies are. The best teams have a range of people with different voices, whose skills and perspectives complement each other, leading to more balance and better outcomes.
Who is it for?
This webinar is aimed at team leaders or team members in any organisation with an interest in building a strong team culture where each individual feels heard, valued and appreciated for who they really are.
Host - Steve Foster