MP Support Group

Outdoor Learning Voice at Westminster

Where are we now?

By 2023 the Outdoor Learning community in the UK had come a long way in achieving recognition amongst Members of Parliament at Westminster (MPs).  This was not the case only a few years earlier.  Whilst there were and remain many sympathetic MPs and civil servants, the dialogue between the many stakeholders in the Outdoor Learning community and those charged with developing policy, funding and legislation was quite limited.

To support this, a digital map was created by the IOL, so an MP could find out about outdoor learning in their constituency. The IOL also prepared an A6 briefing card on the benefits and impact of outdoor leaning to be shared with MPs.  The card has the QR code that links to the digital map and can be downloaded here.

By the end of 2023, the APPG had met a number of times, had attracted new members and developed a map to help MP’s identify Outdoor Learning providers in their constituency.  This is encouraging and is step change from 4 years earlier.

Changes at Westminster

Changes to rules on APPG’s late in 2023 has led to a need for the sector to change its approach in maintaining a dialogue with MPs.   Maintaining an APPG with a minimum of 20 MP members is challenging, especially when MPs describe themselves as ‘broadly supportive but not committed’.  There is a significant difference for many MPs between the threats of 2020/2021 and aspirations of the Outdoor Learning sector in 2024, especially with the short term focus of re-election.  The new rules are proving too challenging for many APPG’s.

The Outdoor Learning sector is changing its forum from an APPG to a Member of Parliament Support Group (MPSG).  This formal structure has lighter requirements than an APPG though does have less official recognition.  It provides the engagement forum required and the vehicle for the re-establishment of an APPG when the need or issue at stake leads to more MPs moving from ‘broadly supportive’ to ‘committed’.


The immediate plan for the MPSG is to review the outcomes of a sector survey scheduled for mid 2024.  The survey outcomes will be formed into a report supported by the MPSG and presented to the main parties at Westminster.  Look out for the opportunity to participate in the survey which will lead the way for an annual ‘state of the nation’ report.

Updates and resources are being developed on the IOL website for UK and Home Nation Government Engagement.

If you wish to support the work of the IOL VOICE please contact the IOL by email.

Contact your MP

Now we have a new Parliament this is a key time to contact your MP to encourage them to engage with Outdoor Learning. Use the UK Outdoor Learning Digital Map to find contact details of your local MP.  If you are a Provider and would like to be added, this is free of charge, you just need to contact the IOL by email.



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