Adventure for All

The Adventure for All (AfA) Sector Specialist Group was formed through the joining of the independent organisation “Adventure for All” with IOL. The members of AfA are either specialist providers of outdoor leaning for people with disabilities or those with a significant interest in this field. The main activity of the group is an annual conference, usually held at one of the specialist provider centres, where new ideas are shared and best practice is discussed.

Aims; To promote participation in adventurous activities and outdoor learning by people with disabilities and other special educational needs as well as to share ideas and agree best practice in the safe delivery of activities. This will be done through the Adventure for All (AfA) Sector Specialist Group's annual conference and discussion forums as well as presenting to others at conferences and through articles in Horizons. Representation or lobbying at NGB level will be made where appropriate.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Adventure for All SSG

The AfA SSG is a group of like-minded organisations and individuals who have a particular interest in including people with disabilities in outdoor learning.

Is membership of the AfA SSG for me?

If you are an organisation with a significant number of participants with disabilities, an individual with an interest in inclusion or wish to target this customer sector, then you are likely to benefit from membership and involvement with the group. In addition, people with disabilities and wider society are likely to benefit from your participation as your experience can contribute to the body of knowledge shared between us and others offering outdoor learning.

Which client groups are included in the AfA SSG considerations?

Although the majority of the topics focus on those with physical, sensory or intellectual impairments, these are not exclusive. If special considerations are needed to assist someone participate in outdoor learning then the members are likely to have both an interest and some experience which may be able to help, as there are crossovers of teaching and learning between various impairment groups. Notable work in the past has focussed on those with autism, mental health issues, old age and chronically overweight participants.

What do I get from joining the AfA SSG

The AfA SSG is a discussion forum where new ideas are scrutinised and best practice is shared. Although there are some e-discussions during the year the main event is the annual 2-day conference (invariably held at a specialist centre for those with disabilities). This is a low cost networking and sharing event where relationships are built so members have the confidence to pick up and ask colleagues for help or advice during the rest of the year.

Can I get specific advice about including those with disabilities from the AfA SSG?

The AfA PPG is a group of IOL member organisations and individuals, so any advice would be the opinion of that organisation or individual which may or may not be shared across the group. A number of the member organisations do offer disability inclusion advice, and it may be worth contacting these. Alternatively you could attend a conference with the specific agenda item for the whole group to discuss.

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