Gain the skills, knowledge and qualifications to work in the outdoors.
Leading outdoor learning experiences is all about how you use the activity to help others be safe and gain skills and learn more about themselves, each other and connect to the environment.
Most people who work in the outdoors have a combination of recognised awards, experience and employer delivered training. There are a wide variety of options – enabling you to find the best fit for your situation.
To work in outdoor learning you will need to start with a love for the outdoors come rain or shine, a sense of reliability and organisation, and enthusiasm for working with people. Read through our Working in Outdoor Learning guide or talk with an IOL Organisational Member or IOL Accredited Member in your area to find out more.
You will need activity skills to inspire and keep participants safe, and teaching skills to coach and develop people through the activities you lead. Whatever your role, employers will need you to be able to fulfil your “duty of care” and be up-to-date with first aid, safeguarding, data protection and “competent” before you lead an activity or programme. Being able to drive a minibus may also be required.
Look at The Outdoor Professional guide and work through the IOL 7 Steps to CPD with an APIOL or LPIOL Coach to help you to work out where you are now, where you want to go next, and how you can get there.
The following organisations manage recognised and widely accepted training courses and awards relevant to working in outdoor learning.
Follow the links below and get in touch with the National Governing Body (NGB) for the sport(s) you are interested in. They all offer training pathways to become a high-level instructor, leader, or Olympic/world-class coach.
If you are new to this area Bushcraft Competency Certificate (BCC) + Level 3 Award in Education and Training, or a Level 3 Forest School Leader Award will be most appropriate.
If you are already a competent Instructor or Teacher then you may only need to cover those elements covered by the awards above that you are missing.
Outdoor Therapy is a broad and inclusive heading for an integrated approach of outdoor activities and experiences in the natural environment, with counselling and psychotherapy/psychological theory and practice. To work in this area as an independent professional may require being an Outdoor Learning Professional - Accredited Member of IOL or above, AND professional training in counselling (2 Years), psychotherapy or psychology (5 years), AND and awareness of how to integrate the two professional fields.
Therapeutic outdoor learning describes programmes in which participants gain therapeutic benefit from participating in outdoor learning experiences. In these circumstances the activities are facilitated in a way that supports people in their health and wellbeing. To work in this area as an independent professional may require being an Outdoor Learning Professional - Accredited Member of IOL or above, AND awareness training at an appropriate level covering the presenting issues of the clients they work with AND awareness of how to integrate the two fields.
Employers look for skills and experience in group leadership, management, organinisation and decision-making. They usually require a Mountain Leader Award and First Aid relevant to operating in more remote environments.
Previous overseas experience and the ability to help others deal with being far from home and in a new environment and a new culture is also important – these aspects are often covered in employer specific training as well.
The outdoor sector has a strong tradition of using skilled freelance staff to support a range of programmes. To work freelance (either as an employee or a contractor) you will need to offer relevant experience and technical knowledge and skills in subjects/activities.
You will also need to be covered by insurance and up to date with your DBS, D1, First Aid, Safeguarding and Data Protection awareness.
Many Outdoor Centre Managers have a background in instructing and may continue to teach as part of their job. A relevant degree, management and teaching qualifications can be an advantage as competition for posts can be fierce. You will need to have relevant experience and the necessary qualities to handle the responsibility – perhaps gained as a senior instructor, head of department or deputy manager.
For some, this will be a second career after school teaching, the armed forces, youth work or coaching.
The following organisations manage recognised and widely accepted training courses and awards relevant to working in outdoor learning.
Look at EMCC, ICF, AfC or ILM Awards in Coaching.
Look at Education and Training Awards from City and Guilds, the Chartered College of Teaching the Education and Training Foundation or the Society for Education and Training.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) define competence as “The combination of training, skills, experience and knowledge that a person has and their ability to apply them to perform a task safely”. Read More...
Your level of competence only needs to be proportionate to your job and place of work.
Employers need to be assured you are competent, but you may not necessarily need to complete a specific training course if you already have relevant experience. The Recognised ways to demonstrate competence are:
Talk with your employer (or prospective employer) about how your training, skills, experience and knowledge fits their preferred ways to recognise competence in their staff team.
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